Volume 18 - Issue 3

Research Article Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Energy In Healthcare: A Concept Analysis

*Corresponding author:Ibrahim Al Baalharith* and Mona Al Sherim. Energy In Healthcare: A Concept Analysis. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2023 18(1) AJBSR.MS.ID.002443

Received:February 06, 2023;Published:March 07, 2023

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2023.18.002443


Aim and Background: The concept of energy is fundamental in nursing as it constitutes nurses’ roles in any given environment. Energy interconnects a nurse’s role with the environment, individual, power, activity, and effort. The present analysis aims to identify how energy is related to the nursing field and identify how energy either positively or negatively affects the nurse and how effectively they play their roles.
Design: This analysis leverages Avant and Walker’s eight-step method of concept analysis to identify the features, countenances, and antecedents of energy as a concept in nursing practice.
Methodology: The methodology highlights energy’s practical and theoretical role in nursing using three defining attributes: aura, current, and person. The antecedents included are God and life, while the consequence examined is spiritual tranquility. A model case, borderline, and the contrary case is presented to emphasize the identified attributes as they underlie the concept of energy.
Results: The analysis established an in-depth understanding of energy that can be used effectively to analyze the role of nurses in the workforce. Energy is a fundamental facet of nursing that betters the lives of individuals. From the perspective of energy, energy originates from something greater than human beings. This aspect allows a flow of energy into the nurse and consequently sharing of such energy between nurse and clients, which allows spiritual tranquility.
Conclusion: The impact of the concept of energy includes the interpersonal relationship between persons by affecting the transmission of impulses from individuals. Thus, identifying the energy field is vital in identifying how it applies to the role of nurses.

Keywords: Energy interconnection; Nursing; Concept analysis; Nursing outcomes; Power


The capacity to perform work is referred to as energy. It can also be referred to as strength or a person’s potential to complete a task. There are several disciplines where energy can be used. The rest of humanity depends on energy to complete tasks efficiently. Machines and factories also need energy to operate [1]. However, the way the energy concept is applied varies depending on the field. Researchers have used a variety of hypotheses to shed light on the definition of this term in various domains. Through Walker Avant’s method, this design analysis is determined to show how the goal of the analysis will be achieved and what will lead to achieving it to the maximum.

Concept Analyzing of Energy and Clarifying it with the Walker Avant Method

The Walker Avant approach has been frequently utilized to analyze, define, and clarify concepts difficult for the common person to comprehend. Energy was the idea under examination that needed to be defined and explained using Walker Avant’s technique. The term “energy” was to be defined from the standpoint of the nursing profession and its application to the field of nursing. The nurse and the patients can benefit greatly from energy in nursing, following Avant’s method [2]. Energy is necessary to complete many duties in the nursing sector, and a nurse who needs more energy may be unable to carry out his duties properly.

Without the necessary abilities and competencies, one cannot be authorized to attend to patients in the nursing area. This might be explained by the energy nurses possess in the nursing field. Identifying the analytic purpose is another step in Avant and Walker’s approach. Thus, the goal is to develop a precise definition of the idea and demonstrate how it applies to nursing. Every idea has value depending on how and where it is applied. Every action is beneficial and important. The examination outlined every application of the idea to reach the final understanding of the term “energy.” One of its uses is that energy is essential for doing patient diagnoses. By providing the most effective medications for each patient’s ailment, nurses use their energies to diagnose, treat, and heal the patients. Therefore, as stated earlier, this analysis can conclude that energy in nursing is the ability of the nurses to work effectively, deliver their services to the best and enable the patients to corporate in giving out the desired information about their illness thus enabling appropriate allocation of medicine. Through Avant and walker, this analysis has also defined energy as a requirement for diagnosing machines [1].

Relevancy of Avant’s and Walker’s Method in Clarification of Energy Concept

The approach taken by Avant and Walker is most appropriate for elucidating and defining difficult topics. Adhering to the approach’s steps has allowed this study to produce the finest definition of energy [2]. It has allowed for the definition of the idea in this analysis from a nursing standpoint. Additionally, Avant posits that the nursing profession derives its vitality from three sources: the practitioners, the people being treated, and the medical equipment at their disposal.

History of the Concept

In this part, this analysis will embark on two areas; Analysis of concepts like energy and the need to re-clarify energy concepts.

Analysis of Concepts like Energy

The history of the energy concept dates to the 19th century when the term was first used to refer to power. God, as the provider and creation of human beings, is also depicted as having played a role in the origin of energy [3]. This is through the interpretation of spiritualities in nursing and health. Using technology in a variety of disciplines has advanced energy in the modern day. Children who attend school have also relied on energy. In the early ages, energy was also referred to as power. It is also referred to as strong and mighty. By stating that energy is made up of the particles in the human body, proponents like Isaac Newton contributed to the scientific understanding of energy. He explained that these elements either attracted or repelled away from one another [4]. The forces are created by attracting and repelling. Earlier, a variety of tasks required the utilization of energy. There is a similar scenario of energy in connection to the meaning of the term used today. However, in today’s context, because of the advent of machines, it has advanced with technology.

The reason for the Need to Re-Clarify the Energy Concept

Clarifying the importance of the energy concept is urgently necessary for this analysis. First, the phrase is complicated if one needs to learn the field in which it has been applied. To provide a clear description to a wide range of people, the term must be defined in the simplest manner possible from the nursing perspective. Clarifying the idea will also give nurses in the profession a general idea of what is needed to carry out their duties [5]. Clarification will also help the relevant industries develop optimal strategies for boosting nurses’ energy.

Purpose of the Concept Analysis

The purpose of the concept analysis is to determine whether energy increase or decrease in nurses plays a role in their performance. It aims to identify why energy is a basic concept analysis from a nursing perspective and how the results can help nurses be more effective in their roles.

Aims of the Concept

Training in energy concepts is intended to boost nurses’ awareness level, allowing them to improve their ability to communicate with patients and other medical team members. Since efficient communication is one of the most important responsibilities of nurses, this aspect ought to receive attention. Enabling efficient communication is therefore one of the major ways that will be used.


This idea was broken down into its component parts using Walker and Avant’s eight-step approach of concept analysis. A concept is chosen, the analysis’s goal is established, all instances of the concept are identified, its defining qualities are established, a model case is constructed, a borderline situation is identified, causes and effects are uncovered, and empirical referents are defined.

Definitions and Uses of Energy

Energy is the field of electrical forces exchanged among human beings to create a connection. According to [6], energy is composed of the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions exchanged among individuals to influence their relationships with others. Energy dynamics are essential in creating good relationships, promoting health, and enhancing shifts in the body.


Attributes of a concept must be identified is that a concept can be practical and present. Attributes can best be defined as the characteristics of something; in this case, they are the characteristics of energy as a concept. This section aims to identify the parts that contribute to the concept and make it unique, setting it apart from other concepts. The attributes of the concept are outlined below.


Aura is the distinctive form of spirituality that surrounds a human being and is an essential part of belonging and being. Human beings radiate electric fields, and the aura varies from one person to another depending on how evolved and connected they are to their inner being and purpose. According to Slate [7], the aura is part of the energy that characterizes human beings and is critical to help individuals understand themselves and those surrounding them. The nurse who has been able to master their aura can effectively use it to influence others and connect with them. Unleashing their internal power and allowing positive or negative energy to flow through the patients is crucial because it determines how well nurses interact with patients, understand their emotions and fears through conversation, and eventually impact patients’ care [8].


Electric current is defined as the movement of electric charges. The articles can be subatomic particles or ions useful in creating electric fields where energy and current flow. According to American Nurse (2012) [9], human thought can influence the physical mass, and the electric fields play an essential role in promoting this charge, influencing the surroundings. The movement of people from one place to the next can be vale to conducting electrical currents between individuals and, in this case, between the nurse and the patient. The thoughts of a nurse play an essential role in influencing the patients, and the electric field generated by the nurses influences the thoughts, which are also energy. Increased electric current plays a significant role in influencing patients because studies indicate that some people suck outpatients’ energy. In scientific terms, they reduce the electric frequency and the electric fields of a particular patient, reducing their healing process.


A person is a human being, and they can be an adult or a child. A person must have feelings and emotions which are effective in the energy exchange process. From the nursing perspective, a person must be present to create an electric field with others and exchange their aura. A nurse is a necessary part of the energy concept. They are attributes that must be present to allow the exchange of energies and the concept of energy to come into perspective in nursing. According to American Nurse (2012), in today’s world, interconnection and conscious relationships are essential to the spirit’s existence, which eventually translates to the importance of a person as an attribute o energy as a concept ting the field of nursing.

Antecedents and Consequences

According to Walker and Avant (2011) [10], antecedents are the vents or the specific thing that must be available and present in a situation for an occurrence of the concept. The antecedent in the energy concept is identified as God or a higher form of power; it can also be nature or Allah. The higher power is responsible for the energy that flows to an individual. Transcendence equips a nurse to abbe able to ask practical questions surrounding a patient that will help a patient to feel at peace, be able to move beyond the scope of space and time and move on to the higher nature of life and align with the spiritual realm is an essential tool that is important in the energy concept form a nursing perspective. The higher power gives patients and the nurse a better understanding of their intrinsic being and that they can separate themselves from the physical realm and chaos and have a higher current, in turn, a better understanding of situations.

The consequence of the energy concept is spiritual tranquility. A nurse can use energy to align their existence with their life purpose. Spirituality is essential in enhancing an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional state, and so can it enhance that of a nurse. Spirituality is critical in improving individuals’ relationships and allowing positive energy to flow between them [11]. From a nursing perspective, spirituality is a consequence that will allow the flow of energy and alignment of currents with their life’s purpose keeping nurses in tow about why they became nurses and, in turn, take care of the patients fully.

Antecedents and Consequences

Model Cases

A model case is a relevant example in the field of medicine that is useful in exhibiting the concept of energy and helping to find a definition and explanation of all the attributes mentioned above. According to Walker and Avant (2011), a model case is a pure example relevant to the concept being learned. It provides an easy example that helps the concept be more relevant and understandable. The model case below depicts a clear example of the concept of energy.

Henry was a 35-year-old male nurse who worked in the nursing department and specialized in working with patients in the intensive care unit whose family and friends were depressed by their loved one being in critical condition. Henry was excellent at consoling the friends and families of the critical patients, and he was recognized by the hospital, the chief executive officer (CEO), and the chief nursing officer (CNO) for his excellent job in the hospital. All his co-workers respected Henry for his positive work ethic and the right management skills to handle patients effectively. Henry’s work line was specific to depressed and troubled teens, which translated to his adequate time working with stressed people about a particular situation. He chose this line of work and specialty due to his relations and upbringing because he could effectively relate to other people’s feelings.

His experiences as a young person caused Henry’s success for the past ten years. When he was 16 years old, he witnessed his mother’s death, who was his only source of comfort and love, and because his father was absent throughout these problems and turmoil, Henry chose a life of indiscipline and mischief to fill the void in his heart. Luckily, a random person took note of his problems, and he invited henry to their church, where they could worship together and experience the love of God. Surprisingly, Henry found the church as a place to console his spirit and to give the peace that he was searching for and love to fill his void, He found God as a consolation to all his problems, and this changed him into a better human being and eventually turned his life around for a positive outcome. He decided to pursue medicine, particularly nursing, where he could help individuals not fall into the same trap as him and help those already there.

As Henry was working in the hospital, he received 45years old woman who suffered from a heart attack and was in critical condition and was taken to the intensive care unit. The woman’s son, upon arrival, was shocked by seeing his mother’s situation and was screaming and curing at the mere thought of losing his mother. Emotions were that the son felt henry could vividly identify with them, and he took the opportunity to speak to the young man to help him through the situation. He told the young man that he had been in the same shoes as a teenager, and henry could relate to how he was feeling at that time [12]. Henry emphasized with the young man and told him he was sorry for his situation and that no matter the outcome, he would be okay because everything happens for a reason. This encouraged him, and he calmed down and started crying, explaining that his mother was his only source of anchor in life, and she sacrificed everything to keep her family happy and healthy.

This case highlights the importance of energy flow for nurses to improve relationships with patients and their loved ones. Energy is critical in connecting with relevant people and allowing frequencies to align so that the individual feels seen and accepted. Henry took advantage of being vulnerable and allowing positive energy to flow to the young man, which was critical in creating a feeling of calmness and positivity. This case generally outlines and highlights the importance of energy flow in the nursing field for healing, diagnosis, and positivity.

Borderline Cases

A borderline case can best be defined and identified as a case containing all the parts of the concept and characteristics, but it differs entirely from the main idea of the concept and its purpose. The borderline case is almost like the concept being discussed, but it differs and has some differences from what is expected; hence, hence it can be distinguished from the concept [10]. The case below describes a borderline case that helps showcase the difference in the concept of energy.

Twenty-five-year-old nurse, Ann, was a registered nurse that was an essential part of society. She was assigned to the labor ward as her specialty and was proud to conduct 250-300 successful monthly deliveries. Ann was much respected for her skills, and the CNO recognized her excellent work and dedication to her job. However, Ann had a rough childhood, and her co-workers knew she was used to getting annoyed quickly, and she did not adapt well to patients and their personal needs. This was caused by her situation while growing up, losing her parents at 12. Before she reached 18 years, she had lived with relatives and in foster homes. Despite this, she did her best to be a productive person, but sometimes, her weakness and needs could creep in and reduce coping mechanisms. Ann was assigned a 35year old woman who was in labor and was about to give birth. The patient had not dilated enough for her to start giving birth. She communicated to Ann about her fears of giving birth first due to the loss of her first child during birth. Ann was frustrated and annoyed about the woman’s impatience, and she immediately got an order for her delivery, gave her an intravenous injection, and got the delivery room ready.

With woman was fully dilated in a few minutes and ready to give birth. The woman communicated to the nurse about the fear of giving birth without the doctor being present, and even though the baby was crowning, Ann left the patient and her husband alone and ran to get the doctor. The patient gave birth by herself, and Ann returned and congratulated the patient for giving birth like Champ. The nurse and the patient had a problem with the energy flow between them and needed help understanding each other due to the difference in the energy exchange. The movement of energy was seen through the patient’s emotional fear and physical changes during childbirth. Even though Ann remained professional and upheld the working ethics of ensuring a patient is always comfortable. She could not connect and adapt to the situation, blocking the energy current between them and the lack of flow of the energies. Hence reducing the amount of proper care that could be given.

In the contrary case, the need that the patients were presenting to Ann were the movements that are required in the energy concept; additionally, energy and current were present, but the outcome was negative due to blocking positive energy due to the lack of aura that is needed to allow energy to flow between individuals. This case showcases the same attributes as the first case; however, the outcomes are different due to the lack of allowing positive energy to flow between them.

Contrary Case

On the Contrary, the motions necessary in the energy concept were not being shown by the patients; moreover, energy was there, but the consequence was unfavorable owing to the blockage of positive energy due to a lack of aura, which is essential to allow energy to pass between persons [13]. When nurses fail to maintain a continuous exchange of energy with patients, the disturbance may lead to nursing dissatisfaction. In contrast, they may not heal the patient correctly. When the proper balance of energy between the nurse and the patient is not disturbed, for instance, when a nurse gets sick and so on, the nurse has low energy frequency and can provide holistic care to the patient. These two examples had many similarities, but the consequences differed since they did not allow good energy to flow between them.

To put it another way, Walker and Avant said that opposite circumstances are simple illustrations of what a notion does not include. The following is an illustration of the inverse situation. Helen was an acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) at a medical intensive care unit (ICU) with a high patient load. A 21-year-old patient with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head had been brought to her attention and was rapidly deterioratin [13]. As requested by his family, the patient stayed in full code status. A code blue was activated on the patient thirty minutes later. The ACNP managed the code blue. Before the official time of death was announced, there was a 30-minute period of a code blue. Despite the best efforts of everyone involved, the patient died. When a person dies, all sources of energy vanish into thin air. At the point of death, a person no longer has any existence or an aura, movement, or energy flow. The paper should create a bond between nurses and patients to improve nurses’ caring behaviors and formulate medical teaching-instructional settings.

Empirical Referents

The empirical referent can be identified as the tools or means available to measure a concept’s attributes to be able to eventually identify it [10]. They are essential in ensuring that a nurse can identify the attributes of a particular concept to follow the correct procedure for proper patient care. In the case of Henry and the young man, there was a constant exchange of energy between them, and they and Henry could maintain the movement of energy. With his belief in a higher being, making everything possible, and having a reason for everything, he exchanged this energy with the stressed man, which made him relaxed and has positive energy in him.

Impact of the Concept of Energy

According to Bayram (2018) [13], energy affects the relationship between individuals and how they co-exist with each other. It impacts the transmission of impulses from individuals and, eventually, their relationships.


It is important to put a lot of care and consideration into energy conservation to improve people’s lives. A person’s aura, individuality, and the current flowing through them are all essential for efficient energy consumption. According to the American Nurse Association, the mind is a critical organ that plays a role in determining how people interact with one another (2012). Electric impulses pass from one person to the next, and these have a significant impact on the individuals’ auras and their very existence (Figure 1).

Biomedical Science &, Research

Figure 1


In conclusion, the analysis concludes that nurses’ energy is a critical component in enhancing the quality of care, creating a positive impact on patients’ lives, and aiding proper diagnosis and treatment. The concept of energy derives from the individual’s preexisting faith in either God or a superior power; its manifestations include an aura, a person, and a current, respectively. According to this conception, the outcome is inner serenity, which is necessary for locating and pursuing one’s life’s purpose. The nurse provides the highest quality of nursing care when she has open lines of contact with her patients and allows them to share positive sentiments freely.


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. When conducting research in the nursing field, the overarching goal is to find answers to problems that directly affect the delivery of care to patients, the management of healthcare organizations, or the education of aspiring nurses. Clinical implications are the consequences or outcomes that may arise from implementing the study’s findings in nursing practice. These findings were obtained from nursing literature.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Rawaih Falatah, Department of Nursing, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for her support. The authors appreciate the College of Nursing at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, for its logistic support.


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